Students who received grants from Concordia Theological Foundation have expressed their thanks to our donors. Below are three of the thank you notes received. Your generosity in supporting the Foundation is greatly appreciated.

Dear Concordia Theological Foundation,

I just wanted to write a little note to express my deep gratitude for your support. We seminarians are truly overwhelmed while we are in Fort Wayne by prayers and assistance of all kinds from individuals and congregations across this great nation. The support and encouragement are really what get us through those late nights studying and early morning exams. These are among the many reminders we consistently have for what all this work is really about – and that’s Christ Church and the spreading of His Good News. From us personally, my wife and I cannot quite articulate what this gift means to us. We have a little girl and hope to continue to grow our family, and we cannot wait to receive a first call. But in the meantime, this truly helps us get by while still at the seminary, and it confirms in our minds the abundance of love and consideration in which our Missouri Synod consists. Please accept our sincerest thanks for all that you do. I know I speak for the entirety of my brothers at the seminary when I say that your thoughtfulness means the world to us. Do keep us in your prayers and as we continue to lift you up in ours. May God bless you and yours and the phenomenal work you do!

Yours in Christ,
The Shemwell Family 

Christiansen note
A student family at Easter saying thank you
Zoske note